This page was last updated: September 16, 2024
London Vintage Radio Club
L.V.R.C. London, Ontario, Canada
"Preserving Yesterday's Memories for Tomorrow"
London Vintage Radio Club Annual Fleamarket
Date: Saturday June 8, 2024
7:00 AM to 12 Noon
Location: Hammond Manufacturing Co Ltd
394 Edinburgh Road North (NW corner of Speedvale Ave)
Guelph, Ontario
NOTE: This is NOT the Museum Location
Entrance from Speedvale Ave ONLY.
Sales are restricted to the parking lot area.
Washroom facilities will be on site.
Admission: Vendors $10; General Admission is free

All fees are collected at the fleamarket
Information: Larry Asp (519) 421-1584 (After April 1, 2024) email

Peter Raidt (519) 482-5742 email
Directions and Map to the Fleamarket
Go to Google maps and enter the address OR
From Highway 401, take the Hanlon Expressway North to Speedvale
Turn right on Speedvale Avenue and proceed through the lights at Dawson Road.
The factory is located immediately past Dawson Road on the NW corner of Speedvale Ave and Edinburgh Road.
There are TWO entrances to the parking lot from Speedvale Ave. It is
recommended that the ENTRANCE CLOSEST TO EDINBURGH ROAD BE USED - look for the 'Shipping and Receiving" sign.
The Fleamarket area will be located on the East side of the property, between the building and Edinburgh Road (see picture below).
There is NO ENTRANCE from Edinburgh Road.
Following is the view from Speedvale Avenue showing the preferred entrance.
The entrance sign says "Shipping and Receiving".
Fleamarket Pictures 2024
Click on the thumbnails for larger images.